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Advanced Options Mastery
Intro (6:43)
Aren't Options Dangerous? (4:26)
Do I Need to be a Day Trader? (2:43)
Expectations for Course (4:06)
Short Lessons (2:50)
New Lessons (1:50)
Cheat Sheets and Reference Material (0:41)
Teachable Quirks and Features (7:20)
1 on 1 Coaching No Longer Available (2:59)
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Market Fundamentals
IPOs, Shares, and Ownership (4:29)
Shorting Explained (5:33)
Basic Options Mechanics
The Concept of the Call (5:07)
The Concept of the Put (5:24)
The Price of a Call Changing (4:53)
The Price of a Put Changing (3:47)
Long, Short, Bullish, Bearish (3:24)
Components of the Contract
Expiration Date (4:44)
Expiration Date 2 - trading until exp (3:42)
Expiration Date 3 - what happens at expiration (4:28)
Underlying Shares and Multiplier (3:34)
Strike Price (4:47)
Calls Puts 1 (4:36)
Calls Puts 2 (5:27)
Price Premium Chain (5:12)
Price Multiplier 1 (5:16)
Price Multiplier 2 Adjusted (3:34)
Basics of Pricing
What is a price spread (5:55)
Market Depth (5:04)
Midpoint and Last Trade (5:01)
Market Makers (5:25)
Order Types (5:22)
Intrinsic Value (5:09)
Time Value (4:03)
Time plus Intrinsic Value (4:55)
Out of the Money (3:36)
In the Money (2:49)
At the Money (3:36)
Time Decay (4:54)
Where Time Value is Highest (5:35)
Buying Calls
Intro to Single Leg Strategies (1:48)
Buying Calls Deep in the Money (8:32)
Buying Calls At the Money (6:10)
Buying Calls Out of the Money (8:41)
The Real Definition of Risk (5:21)
Stock Replacement Method (8:22)
Buying Puts
Buying Put At the Money (6:43)
Buying Put In the Money (6:13)
Buying Put Out of the Money (6:56)
Volatility Gains on Puts (2:32)
Short Replacement Method (6:05)
Selling Calls
Time Decay Chart (2:49)
Naked Options Warning (4:15)
Selling Call ATM (6:18)
Getting Exercised on Before Expiration (5:26)
Selling Call OTM (3:54)
Selling Call ITM (3:35)
Selling Calls as a Day Trader (5:40)
Selling Puts
Intro to Selling Puts (2:25)
Selling CSEP with Low Premiums (4:43)
Selling CSEP with High Premiums (5:48)
Selling CSEP with Crazy Premium (4:58)
Selling Puts are Not a Bullish Strategy (4:41)
Index Options
Intro to Index Options (4:49)
The Advantages of Index Options (4:48)
Buying $SPX call (5:20)
Buying $SPX put (2:18)
Selling $SPX put (4:26)
Selling $SPX call (5:10)
More Expiration Dates and AM vs PM (4:55)
Intrinsic Value and No Early Exercise (6:27)
Two Leg (one stock) Strategies
Intro to Entry Level Two Leg (2:15)
Covered Calls (7:15)
Protective Puts (6:36)
Buy Write Orders (4:12)
Selling Options as Stock Entry and Exit (4:06)
Protective Calls (5:12)
Covered Puts (4:41)
Collars (7:05)
Intro to Synthetics (1:33)
Trade and Probability Calculator (4:15)
Synthetic Long (6:23)
Synthetic Short (5:41)
Dumb Synthetics (5:28)
Rollouts (5:41)
Straddles and Strangles
Intro to Strangles and Straddles (2:13)
Straddle 1 (8:25)
Straddle 2 (4:43)
Strangle 1 (5:27)
Strangle 2 (6:07)
Short Straddle (7:00)
Short Strangle (5:30)
The Greeks
Intro to the Greeks (2:27)
Delta (4:10)
Gamma (3:02)
Theta (5:43)
Implied Volatility (5:21)
Vega 1 (1:00)
Vega 2 (1:30)
Rho (2:43)
Intro to Spreads
Intro to Spreads (3:44)
Spreads Widening and Narrowing (5:45)
Options Pricing Models (5:03)
Bulls are Long the Lower (1:56)
Spread Pricing (4:58)
Debit Spreads
Intro to Debit Spreads (4:55)
Debit Call Spread 1 (6:18)
Debit Call Spread 2 (3:48)
Debit Put Spreads 1 (5:39)
Debit Put Spreads 2 (4:55)
Debit Put Spreads 3 (6:13)
Credit Spreads
Intro to Credit Spreads (3:58)
Credit Call Spreads 1 (5:12)
Credit Call Spreads 2 (5:01)
Credit Call Spread 3 (4:00)
Credit Put Spreads 1 (6:16)
Credit Put Spreads 2 (3:06)
Credit Put Spreads 3 (3:08)
Calendar Spreads
Intro to Calendar Spreads (4:15)
Time Value Arbitrage (3:33)
Long Calendar Put Spreads 1 (6:25)
Long Calendar Put Spreads 2 (5:55)
Long Calendar Put Spreads 3 (3:29)
Long Calendar Call Spreads 1 (5:45)
Long Calendar Call Spreads 2 (5:59)
Long Calendar Call Spreads 3 (6:33)
Short Calendar Call Spread (7:02)
Short Calendar Put Spread (5:23)
Diagonal Spreads
Diagonal Spread 1 (5:26)
Diagonal Spread 2 (1:33)
Diagonal Spread 3 (2:51)
Diagonal Spread 4 (4:01)
Ratio Spreads
Intro to Ratio Spreads (2:24)
Ratio Call Spread 1 (7:00)
Ratio Call Spread 2 (3:49)
Ratio Call Spread 3 (4:23)
Ratio Put Spread (5:28)
Ratio Back Spreads (5:39)
Butterfly Spreads
Butterflies, Condors, Iron and Spreads (3:40)
Intro to 3 and 4 Leg Strategies (3:17)
Butterfly Call Spread (6:48)
Butterfly Put Spread (5:18)
Condor Spreads
Intro to Condor Spreads (3:32)
Condor Call Spreads 1 (5:08)
Condor Call Spreads 2 (4:02)
Condor Put Spreads (5:04)
Iron Butterflies
Iron Butterfly or Straddle and Strangle (1:45)
Intro to Iron Butterflies (2:24)
Iron Butterfly 1 (5:08)
Iron Butterfly 2 (4:49)
Iron Condors
Iron Condor 1 (5:05)
Iron Condor 2 (6:01)
Iron Condor 3 (6:32)
Developing Your Trade Plan
Intro to Trade Plan (1:19)
Motivation (2:40)
Time (3:43)
Goals (5:14)
Risk (3:16)
Starting Capital (6:12)
Niche (2:36)
Strategy (6:23)
Journal (7:58)
When to Change Your Strategy (2:42)
Loss Limits (6:10)
Additional Lessons
Best Intro Trading Simulator (9:42)
SSE Setup Pt 1 (10:23)
SSE Setup Pt 2 (7:28)
Stealing the Dividend (9:52)
ThinkorSwim Paper Trading (2:07)
Basics of Setting Up ThinkorSwim
Customizing ThinkorSwim for Options
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