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Retirement Account Mastery
Welcome (2:44)
What this course is NOT (2:23)
Why is This Important? (4:54)
Overview on Using Platform (2:56)
Teachable Quirks and Features (7:20)
Retirement Calculator (14:43)
Retirement 101
What is a Retirement Account (8:25)
Basic Rules for Retirement Accounts (3:39)
Basic Rules for Retirement Accounts 2 (3:32)
General Benefits with Retirement Accounts (4:51)
Busting Myths about Employer Retirement Acccounts (6:10)
This Course is NOT About Contributing More (3:08)
The ONLY Goal Always (7:10)
The 3 Approaches to Retirement
Intro to 3 Approaches to Retirement (2:43)
Why the Avoidant Approach is Disastrous (5:25)
The Problems with the Ignorant Approach (5:54)
The 3 Benefits to the Informed Approach (2:57)
Roth vs Traditional
Roth vs Traditional Intro (1:44)
Traditional Taxation (6:05)
Roth Taxation (6:46)
Employer Sponsored Retirement Accounts
Intro to Employer Sponsored Accounts (1:43)
Your Retirement Custodian (3:33)
Employer Matches and Vesting (5:34)
Default Investment Choices (5:40)
It Belongs to You, NOT Them (1:52)
What's Up with the Names? (1:46)
401(k) (8:19)
401(a) (5:58)
403(b) (4:42)
457(b) (3:20)
TSP (6:40)
Defined Benefit Plan (pension) (4:56)
Small Biz / Self Employed Retirement Accounts
SEP IRA (1:51)
i401(k) (1:52)
Individual Retirement Accounts
Traditional IRA (11:44)
Roth IRA (6:29)
Rollovers (5:53)
Retirement for Kids
Can Kids Have an IRA (2:31)
529 to Roth Conversion (5:28)
Triple your 401(k) Contribution (3:45)
Contributions Need Earned Income (1:34)
Income Limits for Deductions in Traditional IRA (7:51)
Employer Contributions are Always Traditional (1:16)
Withdrawals / Distributions
Intro to Withdrawals and RMD Correction (2:30)
When You Can Start Taking Distributions (5:08)
Early Withdrawal Exemptions (3:37)
401k Loan (6:29)
Avoiding RMD Tax with Charity (2:36)
How to Get WAY MORE in Your Roth
Intro to Conversions (2:01)
Roth Conversions are Taxable Events (4:09)
Spreading Out Conversions for Tax Brackets (7:34)
Backdoor Roth Conversion (6:09)
How-To Conversion and Tax Documents (4:52)
When a Conversion Makes Sense (5:21)
When a Conversion Doesn't Make Sense (4:02)
Mega Backdoor Roth Conversion (7:20)
Mega Backdoor Roth Conversion 2 (8:12)
Beware of Recharacterizations (3:38)
Investment Choices
401k Investing Defaults (3:03)
IRA Defaults (4:38)
Target Date Funds (3:32)
Index Mutual Funds (8:17)
Index ETFs (3:34)
Active Mutual Fund (3:38)
Active ETF (4:33)
Self Directed 401k (3:33)
Bank IRA (2:08)
Brokerage IRA (4:20)
Self Directed IRA (1:29)
Self Directed IRA 2 (6:47)
Self Directed IRA 3 (6:45)
"IRS Approved Investments" Scam (5:21)
The Plan
Step 1 Find All Old Accounts (2:42)
Step 2 Open Trad and Roth IRA (1:57)
Step 3 Initiate Rollovers (1:45)
Step 3 Initiate Rollovers 2 (1:22)
Step 4 Convert to Roth (2:32)
Step 5 Choose Your Investments (3:22)
Step 6 Set up Contributions (3:06)
Step 7 Automate (3:54)
You are a Retirement Master Now (4:29)
Active Mutual Fund
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